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创意支持工具中的反馈可以帮助人群推动他们的意思。但是,目前的反馈方法需要从促进者或同行中进行人力评估。这不可扩展到大人群。我们提出可解释的定向多样性来自动预测观点的质量和多样性分数,并提供AI解释 - 归因,对比归因和反事实建议 - 反馈意见(低),以及如何获得更高的分数。由于用户迭代地提高其想象,这些解释提供了多面反馈。我们进行了形成性和控制的用户研究,以了解解释的使用和有用性,以提高观念多样性和质量。用户感谢解释反馈帮助重点努力,并提供了改进的方向。这导致解释与没有反馈或反馈仅具有预测的反馈和反馈相比提高了多样性。因此,我们的方法为解释和丰富的反馈开辟了可解释的AI的机会,以获得迭代人群思想和创造力支​​持工具。
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本文探讨了提高语言模型的零次学习能力的简单方法。我们表明,指令调整 - 通过对说明书中所述的任务集合微调语言模型 - 大幅提升零射门上看不见任务中的表现。我们采取预训练的语言模型和指令调整它通过自然语言指令模板语言表达了60NLP任务137B参数。我们评估这种指令调整模型,我们称之为FLAN,在看不见的任务类型。FLAN显着改善其未修饰的对应的性能和超过25的20个任务,我们评估零射门175BGPT-3。FLAN甚至GPT-3通过在安利,RTE,BoolQ,AI2-ARC,OpenbookQA和StoryCloze大比分胜过几拍。消融研究显示任务和模型的规模,这个数字是指令调整取得成功的关键组成部分。
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日益复杂的机器学习模型的不断增长的计算需求通常需要使用强大的基于云的基础架构进行培训。已知二元神经网络由于其极端的计算和内存节省了更高精确的替代方案,因此有望进行现场推断。但是,他们现有的训练方法需要同时存储所有层的高精度激活,这通常使在内存受限的设备上学习不可行。在本文中,我们证明了二进制神经网络训练所需的向后传播操作对量化非常强大,从而使现代模型的现场学习成为实用命题。我们介绍了一种低成本的二元神经网络训练策略,该策略表现出相当大的记忆范围减少,同时几乎没有准确的损失与Courbariaux&Bengio的标准方法。这些减少主要是通过仅以二进制格式保留激活来实现的。在后一种算法上,我们的置换替换量看到记忆需求减少3--5 $ \ times $,同时在可比时间内达到相似的测试准确性,这些型号跨越了一系列经过培训的小型模型,用于对流行数据集进行分类。我们还展示了对二进制RESNET-18的从划痕成像网训练,并实现了3.78 $ \ times $减少内存。我们的工作是开源的,包括覆盆子Pi靶向原型,我们用来验证建模的内存降低并捕获相关的能量滴。这样的节省将避免不必要的云下载,减少延迟,提高能源效率和保护最终用户的隐私。
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As various city agencies and mobility operators navigate toward innovative mobility solutions, there is a need for strategic flexibility in well-timed investment decisions in the design and timing of mobility service regions, i.e. cast as "real options" (RO). This problem becomes increasingly challenging with multiple interacting RO in such investments. We propose a scalable machine learning based RO framework for multi-period sequential service region design & timing problem for mobility-on-demand services, framed as a Markov decision process with non-stationary stochastic variables. A value function approximation policy from literature uses multi-option least squares Monte Carlo simulation to get a policy value for a set of interdependent investment decisions as deferral options (CR policy). The goal is to determine the optimal selection and timing of a set of zones to include in a service region. However, prior work required explicit enumeration of all possible sequences of investments. To address the combinatorial complexity of such enumeration, we propose a new variant "deep" RO policy using an efficient recurrent neural network (RNN) based ML method (CR-RNN policy) to sample sequences to forego the need for enumeration, making network design & timing policy tractable for large scale implementation. Experiments on multiple service region scenarios in New York City (NYC) shows the proposed policy substantially reduces the overall computational cost (time reduction for RO evaluation of > 90% of total investment sequences is achieved), with zero to near-zero gap compared to the benchmark. A case study of sequential service region design for expansion of MoD services in Brooklyn, NYC show that using the CR-RNN policy to determine optimal RO investment strategy yields a similar performance (0.5% within CR policy value) with significantly reduced computation time (about 5.4 times faster).
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Remote sensing imagery provides comprehensive views of the Earth, where different sensors collect complementary data at different spatial scales. Large, pretrained models are commonly finetuned with imagery that is heavily augmented to mimic different conditions and scales, with the resulting models used for various tasks with imagery from a range of spatial scales. Such models overlook scale-specific information in the data. In this paper, we present Scale-MAE, a pretraining method that explicitly learns relationships between data at different, known scales throughout the pretraining process. Scale-MAE pretrains a network by masking an input image at a known input scale, where the area of the Earth covered by the image determines the scale of the ViT positional encoding, not the image resolution. Scale-MAE encodes the masked image with a standard ViT backbone, and then decodes the masked image through a bandpass filter to reconstruct low/high frequency images at lower/higher scales. We find that tasking the network with reconstructing both low/high frequency images leads to robust multiscale representations for remote sensing imagery. Scale-MAE achieves an average of a $5.0\%$ non-parametric kNN classification improvement across eight remote sensing datasets compared to current state-of-the-art and obtains a $0.9$ mIoU to $3.8$ mIoU improvement on the SpaceNet building segmentation transfer task for a range of evaluation scales.
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Traditional screening practices for anxiety and depression pose an impediment to monitoring and treating these conditions effectively. However, recent advances in NLP and speech modelling allow textual, acoustic, and hand-crafted language-based features to jointly form the basis of future mental health screening and condition detection. Speech is a rich and readily available source of insight into an individual's cognitive state and by leveraging different aspects of speech, we can develop new digital biomarkers for depression and anxiety. To this end, we propose a multi-modal system for the screening of depression and anxiety from self-administered speech tasks. The proposed model integrates deep-learned features from audio and text, as well as hand-crafted features that are informed by clinically-validated domain knowledge. We find that augmenting hand-crafted features with deep-learned features improves our overall classification F1 score comparing to a baseline of hand-crafted features alone from 0.58 to 0.63 for depression and from 0.54 to 0.57 for anxiety. The findings of our work suggest that speech-based biomarkers for depression and anxiety hold significant promise in the future of digital health.
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Springs are efficient in storing and returning elastic potential energy but are unable to hold the energy they store in the absence of an external load. Lockable springs use clutches to hold elastic potential energy in the absence of an external load but have not yet been widely adopted in applications, partly because clutches introduce design complexity, reduce energy efficiency, and typically do not afford high-fidelity control over the energy stored by the spring. Here, we present the design of a novel lockable compression spring that uses a small capstan clutch to passively lock a mechanical spring. The capstan clutch can lock up to 1000 N force at any arbitrary deflection, unlock the spring in less than 10 ms with a control force less than 1 % of the maximal spring force, and provide an 80 % energy storage and return efficiency (comparable to a highly efficient electric motor operated at constant nominal speed). By retaining the form factor of a regular spring while providing high-fidelity locking capability even under large spring forces, the proposed design could facilitate the development of energy-efficient spring-based actuators and robots.
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